Wednesday, March 31, 2010

AngelCode Fonts - Second Steps

I was determined to get some more work done on this today after my sorry screenshot I posted last night. I've added parsing support to kerning but have not implemented it graphically. Hopefully I'll get around to that tomorrow. However, the xOffset, yOffset, and xAdvance functionality is working now and I have a much better screenshot to post:

I've also cleaned up the process by adding a "drawString" method to AngelCodeFont. See the following example code:

package org.sgine.render

import org.sgine.math.mutable.Matrix4

import javax.imageio.ImageIO

import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11._


object TestFonts {
 def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
  val r = Renderer.createFrame(1024, 768, "Test Fonts")
  val m = Matrix4().translate(x = -70.0, z = -1000.0)
  val fps = FPS(1.0)
  val font = AngelCodeFont(Source.fromURL(getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("resource/Arial.fnt")), getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("resource/Arial.png"))
  val a = new Array[() => Unit](3)
  a(0) = MatrixState(m)
  a(1) = () => font.drawString("Hello World!")
  a(2) = fps
  r.renderable := RenderList(a)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

AngelCode Fonts - First Steps

I spent a little bit of time the past couple of evenings writing a parser in Scala to process AngelCode font files so sgine could support bitmap fonts and though the actual results look a bit sad, the progress is quite nice. :)

Now, I know this looks ugly, but for a combined time of less than two hours I think it's some decent progress:

You'll notice the x and y offsets are not specified, and I sort of hard-coded multi-character rendering, but still, it's a start. :)

Here's the code required:
package org.sgine.render

import org.sgine.math.mutable.Matrix4

import javax.imageio._

import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11._


object TestFonts {
 def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
  val r = Renderer.createFrame(1024, 768, "Test Fonts")
  val m = Matrix4().translate(z = -1000.0)
  val fps = FPS(1.0)
  val font = AngelCodeFont(Source.fromURL(getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("resource/Arial.fnt")), getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("resource/Arial.png"))
  val a = new Array[() => Unit](13)
  a(0) = MatrixState(m)
  a(1) = () => font('H').draw(-60.0)
  a(2) = () => font('e').draw(-40.0)
  a(3) = () => font('l').draw(-20.0)
  a(4) = () => font('l').draw(0.0)
  a(5) = () => font('o').draw(20.0)
  a(6) = () => font(' ').draw(40.0)
  a(7) = () => font('W').draw(60.0)
  a(8) = () => font('o').draw(80.0)
  a(9) = () => font('r').draw(100.0)
  a(10) = () => font('l').draw(120.0)
  a(11) = () => font('d').draw(140.0)
  a(12) = fps
  r.renderable := RenderList(a)
  println("Renderer started! " + 81.asInstanceOf[Char] + " - " + font.face + ", " + font.size)

Next step is to properly support drawing of Strings correctly. More to come soon.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Replacement Renderer

Not really a lot to see at the moment. The engine has been taken apart and put back together a few times, but finally I think we're going to start making some serious progress. To that end I'm planning on documenting here as things progress.

I've just recently completely started over with renderer in sgine and am getting pretty nice framerates even if I am just rendering an image of my two puppies:

Over the next few weeks the UI framework will be coming together hopefully along with much of the functionality I had previously written in to jSeamless.

Here's the code required:

package org.sgine.render

import org.sgine.math.Matrix4

import javax.imageio._

import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11._

object TestRenderer {
 def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
  val r = Renderer.createFrame(1024, 768, "Test Renderer")
  val t = new Texture(700, 366)
  TextureUtil(t,"resource/puppies.jpg")), 0, 0, 700, 366)
  val m = Matrix4().translate(z = -1000.0)
  val i = Image(t)
  val fps = FPS(1.0)
  r.renderable := RenderList(MatrixState(m) :: i :: fps :: Nil)
  println("Renderer started!")

Stay tuned.
Scala Engine for high-performance interactive applications.